Alpine Strategy NZAC presentation May 28, 2021Alpine ascentsAbove is the powerpoint from the talk I did for the NZAC Canterbury Westland section on 13th May 2021More to ExploreIce ClimbingFurther reading Here are some links for further reading, as mentioned in my talk for the…Escape to the mountainsAll trips and tours are off. It’s an interesting time for me to think about why…Alone on the MatterhornWhen people ask me “When is the best time for the Matterhorn?” I always answer "it's…
Ice ClimbingFurther reading Here are some links for further reading, as mentioned in my talk for the…
Escape to the mountainsAll trips and tours are off. It’s an interesting time for me to think about why…
Alone on the MatterhornWhen people ask me “When is the best time for the Matterhorn?” I always answer "it's…